Sunday, 1 April 2012

Back to traditional climbing !

Top of Half Dome- Yosemite
When I start climbing 10 years ago the first place I climbed was Canada rocky mountain.
I was traveling on my own for snowboarding in this area. At this time, I had an interested in climbing and met some local people at the gym. I was a totally beginner, but people were happy to take me out and teach me what it was all about.  The first time out on the rock I was hooked and I started get into climbing.
@ Squamish with gangs
I had the opportunity to spend summer in Squamish. The summer was a really special time and totally changed my life from busy city life in Tokyo. I met real lifestyle climbers out there from all over the world.  Camping under the Squamish chief with them, hanging out and climbing every day. I learnt so much from these friends. Even I was straggling to communicate in English at that time. This was how I started climbing.
After then I started to forcus mainly on sport climb and boulder. This style of climbing allowed me to push myself to my limit without too much of the danger associated with trad climbing.
In the past I used to dismiss trad climbing as being slow and felt I was unable really push myself. But now I can apply the strength and technical ability gained from sport climbing to the trad style. In the UK this opens up so many places you can go and so many experiences you can have.   For me, variety is the key to enjoyment!

Gorgarth Yellow Wall

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